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A lot of people ask us weird and unusual questions that I personally don't understand. This is also my place to reply to things in public so people don't ask me about them again. Here are my answers to them.


Q. Where and how do you get the three Regi's?

A. I don't have the slightest clue. Gamefaqs Pokemon page should provide answers. All we know is that you need to find out Braille.


Q. How can I get Feebas and evolve it?

A. Just so no one asks this again, we have our own page all about those two. Its right here!


Q. How can I find Latias and Latios?

A. We saw it once but it fled. Again, check Gamefaqs Pokemon page.


Q. Are those all the cards you have? Pretty lame collection...

A. 1. Don't worry, when we put our collections together.

2. No you can not make fakes out of them...









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